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International Certification Program

As of January 2023,  we have certified over 800 professionals in 20 countries since 2016. This program has delivered successful 55 editions in a 9 weeks journey of practical and actionable learning experience.

If you believe in a more conscious capitalism philosophy, if you agree that business can be a force for good, this might be the program you need to help accelerate the "upgrade" of organizations to create a more conscious business ecosystem.


This program is offered in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Hebrew/English. Get in contact to learn more and have a 30 min conversation with one of the facilitators.

Thomas Eckschmidt
Consultant, Author, Speaker & 
Co-founder of CC Brazil
  • LinkedIn - Thomas Eckschmidt
  • Facebook - Thomas Eckschmidt
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  • Instagram - Thomas Eckschmidt

Thomas Eckschmidt is co-founder of the Conscious Capitalism movement in Brazil and Peru, a successful award-winning entrepreneur, founder of a Certified B Corporations, and co-author of the Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard Business Press 2018) and Fundamentos do Capitalismo Consciente (Editora Voo 2016). His TEDx Talk on Conscious Capitalism has reached over 400k viewers so far. Trusted advisor and professional board member. 

Thomas is the founder of ReFrame Conscious Business, an organization that helps businesses implement the principles of Conscious Capitalism from their strategies to their daily operations. He is also a local partner with The Purpose Institute in Brazil and Stagen Leadership Academy

Patricia Tavares - Chief Academic Officer CBJAcademy Conscious Business Conscious Capitali
Patricia Tavares
Chief Academic Officer of CBJAcademy
  • LinkedIn - Thomas Eckschmidt
  • Facebook - Thomas Eckschmidt
  • Twitter - Thomas Eckschmidt
  • YouTube - Thomas Eckschmidt
  • Instagram - Thomas Eckschmidt

Thomas Eckschmidt is co-founder of the Conscious Capitalism movement in Brazil and Peru, a successful award-winning entrepreneur, founder of a Certified B Corporations, and co-author of the Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard Business Press 2018) and Fundamentos do Capitalismo Consciente (Editora Voo 2016). His TEDx Talk on Conscious Capitalism has reached over 400k viewers so far. Trusted advisor and professional board member. 

Thomas is the founder of ReFrame Conscious Business, an organization that helps businesses implement the principles of Conscious Capitalism from their strategies to their daily operations. He is also a local partner with The Purpose Institute in Brazil and Stagen Leadership Academy

Conscious Capitalist Consultant - EN.jpg
Conscious Capitalist 
International Certification Program

This program is a 9 weeks, online, live journey, with weekly sessions of 90 minutes, peer mentoring exercise, case based learning

offering 50 tools to 

CC Chapter Leaders & 

Special recognition goes to the core group of community leaders that came together originally to explore a certification program with CCI. The result of that effort was agreement that the first priority was to teach people how to fish. The outcome was the Activator, a “getting started” tool to guide the community in understanding how to put these ideas into action right away, regardless of previous exposure to, or awareness of, the 4 tenets of Conscious Capitalism.

Much appreciation goes to these amazing community leaders who served as great thought activators for this project.

CCI Champions and Ambassadors:

- Jess Peabody, Community Director, CCI (previous)

- Alexander McCobin, CEO CCI

- Cristina Muñoz, Community Engagement Lead, CCI

Chapter Champions and Initial Activators:

- Lisa Weaver (CC Dallas)

- Tom Brady (CC Rochester NY)

- Diane Janovsky (CC Arizona)

- Lee Capps (CC Chicago)

- Scott McIntosh (CC Arizona)

- Thea Durfee Polancic (CC Chicago)



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