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Conscious Business Journey Activation
Caring Leadership

This is quick reference video for the Fundamental "Caring Leadership" of the Philosophy of Conscious Business and Conscious Capitalism recorded by Thomas Eckschmidt, coauthor of Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard) and Cofounder of Conscious Business Journey Ecosystem

"Our Purpose is to accelerate the UPGRADE of Leaders and their Organizations

to create a more conscious business ecosystem.

Our Activation Journey is based on the Fundamentals of Conscious Business, a natural evolution of what has been published on  the Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard). Our intention is to keep up with other authors and have a broader alignment with the changes being promoter through other authors and movements around the world.

  • Caring Leadership, a powerful reference from Simon Sinek “Leaders Eat Last” and Bob Chapman “Everybody Matters”.

COnscious Business Journey Activation Thomas Eckschmidt.png

Introducción al Fundamento del Liderazgo de Cuidar para el Assessment de Conscious Business Journey Activation en Español (2'08")

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